Monday, August 4, 2008

K session

today went for a K lunch session... went with jojo, kayu and his new gf junice... she is very friendly... they should last longer than his previous ones...

red box really bring back lots of memories as i only went there twice and this is the 3rd time. the place keep bringing me back memories... my 1st time going to red box with hui kee and kenny... we really had fun that time... each of us had a mic and we just sang non stop... the 2nd time is also with hui kee and jia jia... this time even worst... we went for student price then we sang till no voice and i got sick the other day... really bring backc the memories....hui kee... i miss the 1st time we went to sing k...

Wooo... Jo holding 3 mics...

He always is the big bully... now is our turn

He still got back out in one peice

1 comment:

Amy Choo said...

yeah....nearly no voice larh...
but the main reason was we eat mcD and Kfc for lunch and dinner mar....sure yit hei lerr...wakakakak!